my new day job today, I learned the hard way that if you're using Pallet to create an EC2 instance, and you want to use its
crate (which authorizes the user running the crate to login on the new instance via SSH using your RSA key), you really *really* want to run that crate during the
phase. Running during the
phase does not seem happy using my current configuration of Pallet version 0.6.4 and jclouds version 1.0.0. Here's the relevant Clojure snippet:
(require 'pallet.core)
(require 'pallet.phase)
(require 'pallet.crate.automated-admin-user)
(def server-spec
:node-spec node-spec
:phases {:bootstrap (pallet.phase/phase-fn (pallet.crate.automated-admin-user/automated-admin-user))}))
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